BRAZILIAN AMETHYST ON STAND The Amethyst crystal glitters across the spectrum and is an absolute power house! Far from a stagnant stone, Amethyst can change with the rise and fall of the light. It evolves with the body, and because of this, it is closely connected to our conscious experience of this life. At a base level, Amethyst is renowned for bringing a sense of calm and clarity to our chaotic world. Those who keep Amethyst close will find that they feel comforted, grounded and soothed in a truly uplifting way. While Amethyst works to sweep negativity away from clouding the mind, it also seems to trigger a spark that unveils our deepest wells of inspiration. When our mind is calm and focused we are able to tap into our creative mind and unveil all those ideas and interests that were stashed behind the wall of inner chaos. Amongst many things, Amethyst is a stone truly everyone should have in their collection.


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Weight 0.9kg