Almost 15 million years ago, Moldavite fell from the stars and made its home here on Mother Earth. Mined in Czech Republic, many believe that the olive green and earthly energy of Moldavite was sent to help us ascend. It’s a stone that serves the spiritual community well, helping to awaken and strengthen psychic abilities, encouraging people to get in touch with their past life lessons, connecting you to spirit guides and ethereal beings and helping you understand who you are and why you are here. Along with opening you up to spiritual forces, this gem can also keep you protected. With its ability to throw up a forcefield of positive power, keeping this stone nearby can stop any bad vibes and harmful entities from getting through. With its intensely high frequency, cosmic collisions, earthly and extraterrestrial vibes, Moldavite is a strong gemstone indeed! Use Moldavite to open your mind to new prospectives, especially when it comes to money and wealth.
