💚 A guardian of the heart and a protector of negative energy, Malachite is a busy stone. Green colour gemstones always seem to have super strength powers and love connecting to our heart chakra. Malachite is no exception! With its energetic properties it does an amazing job in encouraging you to let go of old traumas and to step outside your comfort zone. ⚡️ When it comes to emotional healing, this is where Malachite amps up its powers. One of its strongest elements is a high vibrational energy and immense powers of protection. Flushing out toxic emotions, clearing away unwanted energies and ensuring that those negative vibes stay 6 feet away at all times. 🥦 When it’s not busy sweeping the path of poor energy, Malachite is all about giving you the capacity to embrace change. It gives you a daily dose of courage and serves up a savvy reminder that to move forward in life, there are some things you may need to leave behind.
